Temuka Magpie Club

If you are thinking of joining here are some important details to consider. Initial joining fee is $65 gets you a numbered supporters polo shirt. Or Pay $100 to get the New Magpie supporters hoodie. Second year onwards memerships cost ony $25 yearly. Other member...

Wednesday Night Temuka Touch 2014

Wednesday Night Temuka Touch update: Hello all, the Xmas break for touch starts after the games on the 17th of December. And restart on the 14th of January for the adult teams.  The junior teams restart a two weeks later on the 28th of January. The final night of...

Matt Pomana

Matt Pomana  article which was is in Timaru Herald Prop Matt Pomana is one Magpie with longevity. Pomana will kick off his 17th season of senior rugby for the Temuka Rugby Club at Pleasant Point tomorrow, as fit as he has ever been. As the club records are sketchy...